Dime Credit Union - “Let’s Get This Done.”
Working with a credit union in the New York tri-state area DIME, was introducing a new line of home mortgage products. Their desire was to reach first time home buyers with impactful social media creative that does more than just get noticed - it creates action.

While DIME was established in 1864 to serve the growing immigrant and working class population, they were now entering a new and competitive market when it comes to home mortgages. Selling home loans is a high-tech, high-touch sales process where the competition had a big head start, but DIME had one advantage. Their long history and years of serving consumers and businesses of Brooklyn and its neighboring communities meant they were friends serving friends.
The Solution
100SEVEN was chosen to provide the creative designs that would be featured in the launch campaign managed by a multi-agency partnership. Through our strategic planning process, we determined that defining the correct look and feel of the imagery would be the difference between failure and success.
Dime is a fixture of the New York community, so we needed to capture their home through the eyes of a resident. This means a subjective camera, seeing something from the perspective of someone who is actually there. From the street. Or the subway platform. In line at a food truck or from the back of a cab.